Velvety Texture and Two-Tone Coloration: Unlike many Calatheas with patterned leaves, the Calathea rufibarba focuses on contrasting textures and colors. The top surface of the leaves features a deep green hue with a luxuriously soft, velvety texture. This velvety feel sets it apart from other Calatheas with smoother leaves. The dramatic contrast comes from the underside of the leaves, which have a reddish-purple coloration. Flipping a leaf reveals a whole new visual experience.
Long, Wavy, and Slender Leaves: The Calathea rufibarba doesn't have the broad, oval leaves of some Calatheas. Instead, it boasts long, slender leaves that gracefully arch outwards from the plant. The edges of these leaves have a gentle wave, adding a touch of dynamism to the overall look.
"Red Beard" Inspiration (rufibarba): The name "rufibarba" comes from Latin, with "rufi" meaning "red" and "barba" meaning "beard." This name refers to the reddish-purple fuzz present on the undersides of the leaves and stems. This fine, hair-like fuzz adds another layer of texture to the plant and contributes to its unique appearance
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